Happy new year!!! and a little refection
Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Wishing one and all a blessed new year! 2008 has been a time of great excitement, yet stressful at the same time. Admin term seems to be like 3 years ago...haha, I think that's why time seems to fly by. But even then, I think the friendships ive made among the BB Yr4 cohort have grown exponentially in this yr alone. It just feels like everyone is so grown up now, no more the cutey sec 1s, innocent and adorable, we once were. Haha, maybe our sec1s would feel the same when they reach yr4. Hmm...thinking about them, Im so proud of how much some of them have grown in maturity the last I saw them in SGB. They were so able to hold their own as compared to the other sec1s from the other companys. Well done!!! Hope we would be able to grow closer next year, to have a better understanding of each other.

I think its been a great year in which ive grown spiritually. All the stepping out of the comfort zone and taking bold steps to reach out and pray harder is certainly a new experience. God has been good to me, this I know. Even though He may be so silent most of the time, leaving me rather hopeless and frustrated thoughout most of the year, He always helps me pull through in the end. 'We're all here to learn' and who knows what 2009 holds in store??

~In the silence...Im waiting to hear your voice~

Its a white (ok maybe not) christmas
Saturday, December 27, 2008

Haha really weird. Saw KSL at IMM yesterday eating ice cream. With her sister I guess. The sister is like a replica of her, only skinnier...lol. Anyway want to thank all those who gave me presents for the first time ever!! As in like its the first time im getting christmas presents outside of family. Haha...thanks guys!!

~In the silence...Im waiting to hear your voice~

Rantings of a broken heart

Oh God give me strength. Take me far away...far away from this misery. From the scoldings, from the suffering. Im lost...taken away by bitterness...swept away by sorrows. But dear Lord, if it is thy will, show me a way, not just a sign. Give me peace, yet give me joy. For who has such power, such control over the human emotions but you? You who hardened pharaoh's heart, who gave Moses courage, who gave Solomon wisdom. There is no one else like you. Each time my heart sings with praise, let not the things of the world consume me, let me not fall prey to the bright lights and the sweet words of men. Anger rises in my chest, fiery and unrelentless, a itching sensation that never fails to go away and becomes increasingly *argh* as I fan it. What do I do? How do I quench it? Shout, scream, smack...that's called releasing stress but to what end? To what good? Am I not pure evil? Who then is pure good? No, what then is pure good? God is good. All the time. He is just, yet us so unworthy. But He is love. That's all we need. "For my yoke is easy and my burden is light."Matthew 11:29-30 Cast your burdens on the cross. Where is God? Who is God? I cannot phanthom, but then again, He is everything. The Alpha and Omega. Author of our faith. I find new hope, new peace, new joy. How should I live? As a servant, but what kind? Willing and humble. To God be the glory?? Yes but how? To love, to see Him glorified, to be a willing servant of God. Love?? Oh the word...the meaning. The ultimate sacrifice was done in Love. The 2 most important commandmants demand Love. The relationship between a holy God and fallen man is Love. But how to Love??

Praise the LORD, O my soul; all my inmost being, praise his holy name. Praise the LORD, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits-”- Psalm 103:1-2
~In the silence...Im waiting to hear your voice~

A little joke
Thursday, December 25, 2008

Heard this joke from my pastor today during christmas service.

A guy just lost all his cash buying Lehman stocks, then his job and finally his girlfriend. Feeling depressed, he went to the beach , contemplating suicide. As he strolled along, his foot hit something hard in the sand. As he grabbed his toe, he realised that he had hit a lamp. As he picked it up and rubbed it, loh and behold, a genie appeared!!

Genie: "....Yadda yadda yadda...I can grant u 3 wishes"
Guy: "I want to have lots of money!"
*Bing! A new bankbook appeared before him (with lots of cash to draw. Duh)*

Genie:"And ur second wish?"
Guy:" I want to be a CEO of a big company."
*Bing! He finds himself in Microsoft sitting in Bill Gates chair*

Genie:" Finally, ur last wish"
Guy:" I....want to be irresistable to women"
*The genie frowns very hard*
Genie:"Are u sure that's what u want?"
Guy:"Yes...yes...of course!"

*Bing! The guy turns into a box of chocolate. Hur hur....*

~In the silence...Im waiting to hear your voice~

First post...and a little on the future...
Wednesday, December 24, 2008 0 comments

Hehe first post ever...and my first blog=) Never thought I would have one but here it is. Woots!

So what's a blog for?? Spamming all of life experiences, keeping track of my in's and out's (of the house) or just another way to spam like Facebook. Hmm...Im not sure but I guess ill figure it out soon enough. Already my typing is getting better...not bad=)

Anyway, since its like Christmas eve, want to wish all of you (whoever you may be and however you find this blog) a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS!! Yes and don't forget what christmas is all about, Christ born to the world. (Well actually if you ask around/search the internet they say he was born in Jan or March) But whatever the case, we can still take this time to remember Christs coming to Earth in a HUMBLE (stresssss) environment. Oh well...

Haha as for the future, lets just say that my priorities are kinda mumbo jumbo. There's studies (duh), FireAC (oh may I find the time to chase this passion), BB (and our cohort...spiritual revival!! Woots), and of course my mum to handle (um ok...u get the point...if not, whatever x)

Eh a bit the long for a first post huh? Haha hope I have time to do this next year =)

~In the silence...Im waiting to hear your voice~

Free man.
Ben and not Benjamin.
Forever an ACSian.
ACS(I) Class of '10


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Eileen Chong

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before you came.
December 2008
January 2009
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December 2009
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November 2010
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December 2012
April 2013
November 2013
January 2014

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image edited: nicholas