Siaoliao Siaoliao (a letter to my body)
Thursday, July 21, 2011

I stare at my hands and pity them. They have become purple. Maybe I should write a letter to my body. It would go something like this:

Dear (dark and tortured) body,

I know you probably do not like your master at this point of time. You are probably thinking (let's assume from muscle memory) that he is a sadist and delights in seeing you tear and bleed. Truth is, I don't. At least to a small extent. The only reason why you are in such a terrible state is because you are a growing child. And like every growing child you need to be brought into line, conditioned to take on life's challenges and of course, be fed the right nutrients. I (the brain) can only ensure so much. Proper food I will provide in abundance, rest I will give you when you demand. But training my friend is the bitter before the sweet, the sun before the rain, the...the marriage before the retirement. This is beyond my control and suffer, you will. But rest assured, 6 months from will be big and strong and...a lot darker.

Yes you may throw your tantrums now and then, refusing to feed me (the brain) enough of that blood and jabbing at me with those pain receptors. Yes you will sound alarm bells in my ears and dim my vision from bright to black. On most days you chao geng and become lazy, refusing to move at my command, stubbornly contacting in aches and pains.

Yet this I will all bear. For your sake, I endure.

Maybe you would thank me later by doing more pull ups or sit ups or crunches or planks or flutter kicks or chicken backside or master cuts or handstands or helping me fly. But I don't expect much in return, only that you do not give up on me as I will not give up on you.


Hope you take me seriously,
Ben (your awesome brain)

~In the silence...I'm waiting to hear your voice~

I don't believe in chance. Only Trials.
Tuesday, July 12, 2011

So they have announced...RBS 70. The only man packed weapon system in the course. 87kg of machine split amongst 3 people, an average weight of 40-50kg on each persons back. Haha I really don't know what to make out of my posting. Happy cause I've got the nicest camp of the lot, with a wonderful cadet mess and gym facilities. That's really where the smiles end.

Lots of hard work to help us better cope with the weight, most of my good friends going off to other weapon systems (though there are still some around :D), little welfare (no more nights out :((), more push ups...

But you know what. Really, there's nothing to complain. It's tough physical training and that's what I want. I've always wanted, since coming to OCS, to be able to truthfully, sincerely shed that tear during commissioning. To know that I've achieved something after having worked so hard. It's like getting my PSLE or even my IB results. After all the hard work, the sleepless nights, the constant battle to just overcome every single challenge. I guess it's true that you will not understand sweetness unless you've undergone hardship.

The next 20 weeks will be bitter sweet and I'm looking forward to it :D

30 pull ups here I come!!! :D

~In the silence...I'm waiting to hear your voice~

Free man.
Ben and not Benjamin.
Forever an ACSian.
ACS(I) Class of '10


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Eileen Chong

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codings: ambivalente
brushes: deviantart
image edited: nicholas